Saint Crispin and Saint Crispinian, the martyr brothers, Saint of the Day, 25th October

Saint Crispin and Saint Crispinian, the martyr brothers, Saint of the Day, 25th October

Crispin and Crispinian, two glorious martyrs, who were brothers, were born of a distinguished Roman family. They came to Gaul from Rome to preach the Faith toward the middle of the third century, and took up residence in Soissons. They instructed many in the Faith of Christ, which they preached publicly during the day. At night they worked as cobblers, making shoes, following the example of Saint Paul who recommended that the preachers of Christ sustain themselves by the work of their own hands.

The unbelievers who came to their workshop were charmed by their polite and affable manners, and enjoyed coming to ask their services and converse with them. They remained about forty years in this occupation at Soissons without being troubled, even though they did inspire many to renounce the cult of false gods.

In 285, the emperor Diocletian sent his vicar Maximian Herculeus into Gaul, who revealed his intentions by ordering the massacre of the entire Theban legion. Maximian soon discovered that the progress of the religion of the Nazarene in Soissons was largely the effect of the presence of the two brothers. When summoned to appear before him, Crispin and Crispinian were not moved by either threats or promises. Maximian, realizing that he could do nothing with them, sent the brothers to his minister Rictiovarus, prefect of Gaul, with orders not to spare them of any sort of torture.

The brothers were suspended by pulleys and beaten with clubs; they were tormented in their hands and mouth with wires, and strips of flesh were cut off their backs. They were attached to millstones and thrown in the river, but the stones detached themselves, and they swam to the far shore. A hotbed of fire, molten lead and tar did not consume them. They ceased not to pray and sang hymns to the Lord amidst the cruellest of the tortures.

The martyrs were patient and remained unmoved under these fearful torments and finished their course eventually by the sword in the year 286. A Christian brother and sister buried their bodies on their own terrain, where later a public oratory was constructed.
Saints Crispin and Crispinian are the patron saints of cobblers, curriers, tanners, and leather workers.

Other Saints of the Day
1. Saint Daria
2. Saint Boniface I
3. Saint Chrysanthus
4. Saint Hilary
5. Saint John Roberts

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