Listeners shocked as American radio airs audio of abortion

Listeners shocked as American radio airs audio of abortion

Listeners shocked as American radio airs audio of abortion

Washington: NPR, National Public Radio of America shocked its listeners on Thursday when it aired audio of a Michigan woman having an abortion.

The 11-minute segment noted that women have been traveling to Michigan in "record numbers" in search of abortions since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade earlier this year. The issue is on the ballot when Michiganders head out to vote on Election Day, and NPR dispatched journalist Kate Wells to an abortion clinic outside Detroit to observe procedures and talk to patients.

Along the way, Wells met a woman who decided to terminate 11 weeks of pregnancy and allowed NPR to record the audio. The loud whir of the vacuum aspirator machine that will suck the unborn baby out begins — followed by the woman’s moaning.

The segment aired during NPR’s 'Morning Edition' in anticipation of Michigan’s upcoming vote on abortion during the midterm elections. For the program, Kate Wells spent more than a week with Northland Family Planning just outside Detroit to talk to patients — and witness an abortion.

At the beginning of the story, NPR issued a warning that some listeners would be disturbed by the story’s details. “Most patients are partially awake during the procedures,” Kate describes.

The sound of a machine could be heard terminating her pregnancy as a staffer named Brandy consoled the distraught woman. At one point, the woman says the cramps as it's happening are too painful. The abortion is done in a couple of minutes, Wells reports.

The journalist reported the story in favor of abortion and against the rights of an unborn child provoking pro-life supporters.

Conservative strategist Greg Price hesitantly shared a clip of NPR’s audio, which quickly went viral and outraged conservatives.

"I almost didn't want to tweet this but it's something everyone needs to know. NPR on the radio this morning played audio of a woman getting an abortion. You can hear the vacuum turning on, crying, moaning, and the doctor telling her it's done. Warning: It's tough to listen to," Price wrote with the accompanying audio.

"The left always talks in euphemisms when it comes to abortion. ‘Choice,’ ‘reproductive care,’ etc. But this clip puts on full display what an abortion actually is: violence and full on dehumanization of the unborn. That's why it's important to share. To show reality," Price wrote in a follow-up tweet.

"So listen to that audio. It's incredibly tough but it's important," he added. "Listen to it and then think to yourself about how the only pitch the Democrat Party is making to the voters in the midterm election is more of that."

National pro-life leaders also strongly responded to the NPR segment. My prayer is often that the truth about abortion is ‘brought into the light’ but nothing prepared me for what this audio recording of an abortion would sound like,” March for Life President Jeanne Mancini tweeted. “What’s happening here is the taking of an innocent human life. Heartbreaking. No words.”

Live Action President Lila Rose emphasized, “This is what Hell sounds like.” As president of Students for Life of America, Kristan Hawkins added on Twitter: “I hope the disgusted NPR listeners will never forget this sound and #voteprolifefirst on Tuesday.

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