James Webb Telescope in the news again; discovers oldest galaxies ever seen

James Webb Telescope in the news again; discovers oldest galaxies ever seen

Green Belt: NASA's James Webb space telescope has discovered two of the oldest and most distant galaxies ever seen.

NASA says it has discovered the earliest known galaxies, believed to have formed 350 million years after the Big Bang.

Scientists explain that Telescope has identified two unusually bright galaxies. One of the galaxies is believed to have formed 350 million years after the Big Bang and the other 40 million years.

The discovery by Hubble's successor, the James Webb Space Telescope, launched last December, suggests that stars may have formed within two hundred thousand years of the Big Bang, which took place about 1.38 billion years ago.

Some researchers have reported the discovery of galaxies 13.8 billion years ago, close to the creation of the universe, but none of these have been confirmed, scientists say.

An international team led by Rohan Naidu of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics detailed Webb's latest findings in the Astrophysical Journal Letters.

A galaxy that formed 400 million years after the formation of the universe holds the record for being the oldest known galaxy. But that record is now being surpassed, researchers say. This galaxy was identified by the Hubble Space Telescope

Naidu, however, said more observations in Webb's infrared are needed before a new record holder can be confirmed.

Santa Cruz and Garth Illingworth of the University of California, Santa Cruz, who co-authored the paper, said this is a critical time. Many researchers have made various observations of galaxies in the past, but they are working together to find out which ones are likely to be confirmed, she said.

Meanwhile, Tommaso True of the University of California, Los Angeles, the lead scientist for the telescope's Early Release Science Program, said the curves James Webb has so far provided for the galaxy, which formed more than 350 million years after the Big Bang, are very strong and clear.

Naidu and his team explained that if the current findings are confirmed and provide clues about more early galaxies, the world will succeed in getting closer to the Big Bang that led to the origin of the universe. Researchers say one of the most intriguing questions is when and how the first galaxies formed.

The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) is a $10 billion space observatory launched on December 25, 2021. The James Webb Space Telescope uses infrared technology and is more accurate and sensitive than the Hubble Space

Telescope and the Spitzer Space Telescope.
From a distance of 15 lakh kilometers (930,000 miles) from Earth, James Webb observes the universe and captures the scenes of the wonderful world. James Webb Space Madarshini took almost three decades to build.

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