Pope Francis greets FIFA World Cup2022

Pope Francis greets FIFA World Cup2022

Pope Francis, addressing his weekly audience in St. Peter Square, on Wednesday, expressed his hope, the international soccer competition would promote peace and fraternity among nations.

He said, "I wish to send my greetings to the players, fans and spectators who are following from various continents, the World Cup, which is being played in Qatar."

He added, "May this important event be an occassion of encounter and harmony among nations fostering fraternity and peace among people".

He called for prayers to his audience for an end to all the conflicts around the world, specially Ukraine.

He remembered Nov 26,the upcoming anniversary of Holodomor, The great man-made famine took place in Soviet Ukraine in 1932-33.

Pope Francis extended a shotout to World Cup 2022 at the end of his weekly audience expressing his love for peace and harmony among nations.

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