Saint Chad of Mercia, Saint of the Day, 2nd March

Saint Chad of Mercia, Saint of the Day, 2nd March

Saint Chad of Mercia was the brother of Saint Cedd and Saint Cynibild, and he became a missionary monk to Ireland with Saint Egbert after his ordination in 653.

He studied Latin and astronomy, eventually becoming the abbot at Lastingham monastery in Yorkshire, England, as well as the abbot to Saint Owen.

Not long after Chad became abbot, Saint Wilfrid of York was chosen Bishop of Lindisfarne, a see which was soon moved to York. Wilfrid went to Gaul for consecration, and stayed so long that King Oswiu declared the see vacant and procured the election of Chad as bishop of York.

Saint Chad was elected as Bishop of York. Although he felt unworthy, he accepted the position and travelled his diocese on foot, evangelizing where he could.

When Wilfrid returned in 666, Saint Theodore, Archbishop of Canterbury, deemed Chad's consecration invalid, and Chad was required to give up the diocese to Wilfrid. Chad complied, citing his unworthiness and obedience. Theodore, astonished at this humility, consecrated him as Bishop of the Mercians in Lichfield in 669.

As Bishop, Chad founded monasteries in Lindsey and Barrow-upon-Humber, evangelized, reformed monastic life in his diocese, and built a cathedral on land that had been the site of the martyrdom of 1,000 Christians by the pagan Mercians. He also dug wells for the relief of travellers, reported to have had miraculous healing powers.

Tradition also says that when two of the king's sons were hunting and stumbled upon Chad's oratory, they were so moved by his piety that they asked for his blessing and converted. When the pagan King Wulfhere found out, he killed his sons and hunted down Chad for the same fate. However, as he approached the bishop's cell, a bright light shone through the window, causing the king to abandon his plan for revenge.

During storms, Chad would go to chapel and pray continually. He explained, “God thunders forth from heaven to rouse people to fear the Lord, to call them to remember the future judgment…when God will come in the clouds in great power and majesty to judge the living and the dead. And so we ought to respond to God‘s heavenly warning with due fear and love so that as often as God disturbs the sky, yet spares us still, we should implore God‘s mercy, examining the innermost recesses of our hearts and purging out the dregs of our sins, and behave with such caution that we may never deserve to be struck down.”

Other Saints of the Day
1. Saint Angela of the Cross Guerrero
2. Saint Agnes of Prague
3. Saint John Maron
4. Saint Luke Casali
5. Saint Quintus the Thaumaturge

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