Saint Solange

Saint Solange

In the middle of the ninth century, a humble family of vineyard laborers gave birth to St. Solange in Bourges, France. The young girl was extremely religious and is claimed to have taken a vow of chastity at the age of seven after the example of her poor, devout parents.

Solange gained a strong affection for and control over animals when she was given the responsibility of caring for the family sheep. She was also said to have prayed while she was out in the meadows. This holy virgin could heal others and she successfully cured many sick people. Everyone learned about her beauty and holiness as her renown grew.

One day around the year 880, Solange was taking care of her sheep when one of the Count of Poitiers' sons came over and started making advances. She refused his attempts, so he grabbed her, mounted his horse, and started to sprint away. She managed to get off the horse after some struggle. She attempted to flee despite being severely hurt, but the young man grabbed her and killed her with his hunting sword.

Due to the narrative that Solange arose after being beheaded and walked up to the Church of St. Martin-du-Cross with her head in her hands, an altar was built in her honor there in the cemetery in 1281. The name "The Field of St. Solange" was also given to an area where she used to pray.

The feast day of St. Solange is May 10. She is the patron saint of Berry and Bourges in France, as well as of the rain, rape victims, and shepherds.

Other Saints of the Day
Saint Aurelian of Limoges
Saint John of Avila
Saint Peter Van
Saint William of Pontoise
Blessed Ivan Merz

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