Saint Pancras

Saint Pancras

Regarding this martyr, we don't have any credible historical data. According to legend, he is said to have been born towards the end of the third century in Phrygia, Asia Minor, which is now Turkey. His father is thought to have passed away while Pancras was around eight years old, and his mother is thought to have died delivering him. Pancras, who was left orphaned, was given to his uncle, who sent him to live in Rome. Both Pancras and his uncle became Christians in Rome, where they both devotedly practiced their new religion.

The Roman Empire was ruled by Emperor Diocletian at that time. Christians were being brutally persecuted at his direction. Many of Jesus's followers had already died for standing by their faith. Diocletian, the Roman emperor, was furious because the Christians persisted despite his persecution of them.

Pancras was one of the Christians who was regularly dragged before the authorities in 304 to deny their beliefs and perform sacrifices to the gods. When Pancras was presented before Diocletian, he declined to make a sacrifice for the gods. Diocletian was moved by the 14-year-old's bravery. Pancras was persuaded by the emperor to burn incense to the gods in exchange for money and honor. However, Pancras refused, which infuriated the emperor, who then gave the order for his execution along with that of his uncle on May 12 on the Via Aurelia outside of Rome.

After his passing, devotion to him grew. Pope Symmachus constructed a basilica over his burial in the sixth century. King Aethelbert was converted by a Roman monk who was dispatched to England by Pope Gregory the Great towards the end of the sixth century. He later became the first bishop of England. The monk-bishop, now known as Saint Augustine of Canterbury, constructed the first church in England and gave it the name Saint Pancras after converting the king and his realm. Even the saint's relics were delivered by Pope Gregory to encourage the populace. From the very beginning of the Christianization of the realm, devotion to Saint Pancras grew rapidly throughout England. Miracles were later credited to Saint Pancras' intercession by individuals who prayed at his tomb.

St Pancras is the patron saint of children, jobs, health, false witnesses, headaches, and perjury. His feast day is celebrated on May 12.

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