Saint Dymphna

Saint Dymphna

In the seventh century, Dymphna was born in Ireland to a faithful Christian mother and a pagan father. She made a vow of chastity and dedicated herself to Christ when she was fourteen. Her mother passed away shortly after, and her father, who had devoted his life to his wife, rapidly lost his mental stability.

Damon, Dymphna's father, was so out of control that the King's advisors suggested he get married again. Even though he was still in mourning for his wife, he consented to remarrying if a match as beautiful as his wife could be found.

When no one of noble lineage who resembled Damon's wife could be discovered, his evil counselors whispered the sinful idea that he marry his daughter, Dymphna. Damon agreed to the agreement because his thoughts were so warped that when he looked at Dymphna, he only saw his wife.

Dymphna left her palace with Gerebran, her confessor priest, two loyal servants, and the court jester when she learned of her father's incorrect plan. They sailed in the direction of what is now Belgium and took cover in the town of Gheel. Though it is unclear what happened next, the most popular story tells that they settled in Gheel, where Dymphna founded a hospital for the destitute and sick.

But, unfortunately, her father was able to locate her by utilizing her wealth. Damon went to Gheel and captured them after learning that his daughter was in Belgium. He ordered the priest's head be severed from his body and tried to persuade Dymphna to come back to Ireland and marry him.

Damon grew upset and drew his sword when Dymphna refused, and he struck her head off her shoulders. Dymphna was only fifteen years old when she passed away. The locals gathered Dymphna and Gerebran's bodies and buried them in a cave after her father left Gheel.

Around the year 620, Dymphna obtained the crown of martyrdom for defending her purity and earned the nickname "Lily of Eire." In Gheel, a church dedicated to St. Dymphna was constructed in 1349. Sadly, in the 15th century, the ancient St. Dymphna Church in Gheel burned down. The new Church of St. Dymphna was built and dedicated there in 1532, and it still stands above the spot where her remains were originally buried.

There are several accounts of St. Dymphna healing the neurological, emotional, and mental ailments of visitors to her grave at Gheel. She was canonized in 1247 as a result of her miracles and the account of her martyrdom. Her remains can be found in both the Shrine to Saint Dymphna in the United States and the church in Gheel. The priest who had assisted Dymphna was also made a saint, and his remains were transferred to Xanten, Germany.

Saint Dymphna is frequently depicted wearing a crown, wearing royal garments, and carrying a sword. While some holy cards depict her wearing green and white, clutching a book and white lilies, she is also frequently pictured holding a lamp.

Saint Dymphna is the patron saint of those with nervous and mental illnesses, rape and incest victims, and runaways. The priest, St. Gerebran, and her feast day are both observed on May 15.

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