Saint Felix Spoleto

Saint Felix Spoleto

Saint Felix lived in Italy and he was well known for his generosity towards the poor. He had suffered because of his faith during the persecution of emperor Decius. He had lived up to old age suffering great torture throughout his life.

Born to pious peasants in Naples, Italy, Felix was a shepherd in his youth. He was the child of Hermius; a Syrian centurion in Roman army. With the death of his father at a very young age, Felix sold most of his inheritance and left Naples.

At age 9, he was hired as a shepherd and a farmhand at Cota Ducali, where he worked for a almost 20 years. From the very small age, Felix was a pious young boy spending his free time in prayer. Having a very little education Felix had asked his friend to read the lives of the early desert fathers, which inspired him to be a hermit.

At 1543, he was accepted as a lay brother by the Capuchins near to Rome. Later in 1547 he was send to Rome as a questor for the community where he stayed for the rest his life.

In this time, Felix’s reputation for holiness was increasing day by day. Even without being able to read, theologians consulted him on spirituality and scripture. Sinners would hide from him, as they knew he could see their sins and what was on their mind.

When Emperor Decius began the persecution of Christians Felix was imprisoned and beaten. It was during this time an angel of the Lord appeared before him and let him out of the prison.

The persecution continued even after Decius’s death, but Felix was able to avoid capture until the persecution ended. Even with getting the opportunity to become a Bishop, Felix declined it offering to another priest who was senior to him.

During this time, Felix continued his priestly vocation while farming in the little of the land which he had owned giving most of the produce to the needy.

Felix later died in old age in this land in 304 with this feast being celebrated on May 18th.

Other Saints of the Day

1. St. Pope John I

2. St. Dioscorus

3. St. Elgiva of Shaftesbury

4. St. Eric IX of Sweden

5. St. Felix of Cantalice

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