Dallas - The Cherupushpam Mission League of St. Thomas Syroas, organised a fundraiser to support the charity project for the Holy Family Children's Home in Kenya. The charity event was conducted under the leadership of Mission League office bearers and animators.
Funds raised through the sales of ‘Chocolate Strawberry Dip’ was organised as part of the annual fundraising project.
The children of the parish took advance orders from their fathers in secret to prepare gifts for their mothers on Mother's Day. Following the Holy Mass, the children gifted their mothers with the surprise boxes containing chocolate-dipped strawberries.
The project was coordinated by Mission League Officers Angela Shaji, Nia Benny, Beatrice Benny, Gia George, and Hannah Sebastian, Along with animator Sr Maria Thengumthottam SABS, Mother superior of adoration convent in Dallas, and coordinators Mini Shaji and Annie Nellikannel. The Parish Vicar, Fr. James Nirapel, provided full support, and Bishop Emritus Mar Jacob Angadiath, the former Bishop of the Chicago Diocese, also participated in the activity, inspiring the children.

A total of 3000 strawberries were used for the project. The children themselves washed and cleaned the strawberries and prepared about three hundred boxes for sale. Prini Sebastian and Sumi Santhosh led this effort, with support from Rekha Benny, Joan Sebastian, C Clarein Kodianthara SABS, and C Sneha Rose Kunnel SABS. Through this project, the children raised $3700 in funds.
Holy Family Children's Home

The Holy Family Children's Home in Kenya is managed by the Sisters of the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament established by Venerable mar thomas kurialacherry in Champakulam.

Founded in 2014, the Holy Family Children's Home provides care to orphaned children and those affected by HIV/AIDS. The facility currently houses 100 children. This includes nine children under the age of one, twenty children aged one to four, twelve children aged five to seven, and thirty-five children aged eight to fourteen. The children were either received from hospitals or found abandoned on the road.