Saint Joanna

Saint Joanna

In the first century, a layperson named Joanna lived. She was the spouse of Chuza, the steward and tetrarch of Galilee for King Herod Antipas. She helped the Lord during His public ministry, along with a few other women. The meaning of her name is "Yahweh has been gracious". Both the Orthodox and Roman Catholic churches consider her a saint. She is remembered as a very gentle lady who looked after the Apostles and Jesus.

She followed Jesus and is mentioned in Luke's Gospel when she supports Jesus and the apostles using her own resources (Lk 8:3). Legend has it that after John the Baptist was beheaded, she collected his head and appropriately buried it.

According to Luke's Gospel, Saint Joanna traveled to the Sepulchre with the other women who were carrying myrrh so they may use the fragrant oil to anoint the Lord's Holy Body following His agony, death, and burial. She was among the first to hear that Jesus had been raised from the dead (Lk 24:10).

During the first century, Saint Joanna passed away peacefully. She is also honored on the Sunday of the Women Bearing Myrrh. The relics of St. Joanna are also kept in the reliquary chapel of the Basilica of the Sacred Heart, which is on the site of Notre Dame.

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