Saint William of York

Saint William of York

William of York, son of Count Herbert, treasurer to Henry I was born into a powerful family in 12th-century England. His mother Emma, was the half-sister of King William. His uncle was next in line for the English throne—though a nasty dynastic struggle complicated things.

Despite these roadblocks, he was nominated as archbishop of York in 1140. Local clergymen were less enthusiastic, however, and the archbishop of Canterbury refused to consecrate William. Three years later a neighboring bishop performed the consecration, but it lacked the approval of Pope Innocent II, whose successors likewise withheld approval. William was deposed, and a new election was ordered.

It was not until 1154—14 years after he was first nominated—that William became archbishop of York. When he entered the city that spring after years of exile, he received an enthusiastic welcome. Within two months he was dead, probably from poisoning.

Despite all that happened to him, William did not show resentment toward his opponents. Following his death, many miracles were attributed to him. He was canonized 73 years later.

“Good things come to those who wait” might be the catch phrase for today’s saint. We don’t always get what we want when we want it. Sometimes we have to wait patiently, trusting that if it is for our good, God will bless us.

Other Saints of the Day

• St. Bron

• St. Calliope

• St. Clodulf of Metz

• St. Edgar the Peaceful

• St. Eustadiola

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