St. Victoria, Sister of St. Anatolia

St. Victoria, Sister of St. Anatolia

Saints Victoria and Anatolia are recognized as two beautiful Catholic nobility who lived from 249 to 251 during the time of Emperor Decius. They were given in marriage to aristocratic pagans, who were not at all pleased to learn that they were devout Catholics. Initially, Saint Victoria was happy to wed the pagan in the hopes that she could convert him, but after her sister declined to wed, St. Victoria was persuaded to follow suit. Both of them desired to live their lives entirely for God.

Both of the aristocratic pagan suitors were able to work out an arrangement with the Roman authorities that permitted them to confine each sister in her own home in an effort to persuade them to renounce their beliefs. In response, both sisters gave up everything, donated all of their earnings to the needy, and devoted their lives to serving God. During their incarceration, both sisters converted every guard, maid, and servant in their respective homes.

The suitors were enraged at the sister for not renouncing their beliefs and for converting the guards, maids, etc. Titus Aurelius, the suitor of Saint Anatolia, was enraged and hired St. Audace to put her to death. She was first imprisoned in a chamber with a poisonous snake, but it did not affect her. St. Audace changed after viewing this and was later executed as a martyr. The suitor for Saint Anatolia was so ferociously furious that he stabbed her to death.

Eugenius, Saint Victoria's suitor, immediately learned of Anatolia's murder but persisted in trying to persuade her to apostatize. He showed her a lot of affection at times, then treated her terribly at other times. Eventually, in a fit of wrath, he gave up his suit and killed her by stabbing her. He allegedly contracted leprosy right away and perished six days later from worms.

The remains of Saint Anatolia, along with those of Saint Audace, are kept at the Basilica of Saint Scholastica in Subiaco, while those of Saint Victoria are kept in the church of Santa Vittoria in Matenano, Italy.

They are invoked as patrons against earthquakes, lightning, and severe weather. Their feast day is celebrated on July 10.

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