US Welcomes India's Potential Role in Achieving Peace and Upholding Ukraine's Sovereignty

US Welcomes India's Potential Role in Achieving Peace and Upholding Ukraine's Sovereignty

Washington - During a press briefing, US Department of State spokesperson Matthew Miller expressed that the United States is open to the involvement of India or any other country in achieving a just and lasting peace in Ukraine while respecting its territorial integrity and sovereignty.

Miller welcomed the potential role of India or any other nation in contributing to peace efforts. He described the conflict with Ukraine as a strategic failure for Russia, citing significant losses in terms of military personnel and equipment. The United States also acknowledged and appreciated the international support that Ukraine has received since the onset of the conflict.

In June, Prime Minister Narendra Modi and US President Joe Biden issued a joint statement expressing concern over the conflict in Ukraine and lamenting its devastating humanitarian consequences. The leaders emphasized the serious impacts of the war on the global economic system, including food, fuel, and energy security, as well as critical supply chains. They called for increased efforts to mitigate the consequences of the conflict, particularly in the developing world. The statement further outlined the commitment of both countries to providing ongoing humanitarian assistance to the people of Ukraine, while emphasizing the importance of respecting international law, the principles of the UN charter, and Ukraine's territorial integrity and sovereignty. They also agreed on the significance of post-conflict reconstruction in Ukraine.

In May, Prime Minister Modi met with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy during the G7 summit in Hiroshima, Japan, assuring him of India's support in resolving the conflict between Moscow and Kyiv. This meeting marked their first encounter since the Russia-Ukraine conflict began in February of the previous year. Prime Minister Modi has been actively engaged in diplomatic efforts, holding discussions with both Russian President Vladimir Putin and President Zelenskyy, urging them to seek a diplomatic solution. In September of the previous year, Prime Minister Modi conveyed to President Putin that the present era is not one of war.

Overall, the United States welcomes the participation of India and other nations in achieving peace in Ukraine, while acknowledging the negative consequences faced by Russia and the international support received by Ukraine. Prime Minister Modi and President Biden have consistently expressed concern over the conflict and advocated for respect for international law and the restoration of Ukraine's territorial integrity and sovereignty.

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