St. Alexius of Rome

St. Alexius of Rome

St. Alexius was the only child of rich Roman senator Euphemian and his wife Aglae. He was born and educated in that capital during the fifth century. He grew up with a caring outlook because of his parents' altruistic example.

He decided to give up the benefits of his birth and retreat from society out of concern that earthly honors could divert his attention from noble things. However, his parents had selected a girl from a privileged family to be his bride. He married her as per their wishes. But that evening following his wedding, he got her consent to leave her for God.

After that, he traveled to Syria in disguise, accepted extreme poverty, and lived in a hut next to a church in Edessa that was devoted to the Mother of God. He spent seventeen years living in this place before a picture of Our Lady spoke and proclaimed him to be "the Man of God," revealing his holiness to the populace. He fled back to Rome when he gained fame, which was the last thing he wanted.

He arrived as a beggar at his own house. Though they did not recognize him, his parents accepted him as a beggar, gave him a job and provided him a spot under the staircase to live in. He continued to live in his father's home in anonymity for a further 17 years.

He used to only leave the house to attend church and pray, as well as to share his faith with young children. He was frequently the target of severe abuse from the other servants, and while he could have easily put an end to all of this by telling his father who he was, he instead decided to remain silent.

After Alexius died, his family discovered a message on his body that explained to them who he was and how he had lived his life of penance from the day of his wedding until then, all for the love of God.

The house of Alexius' father was eventually converted into a church dedicated to Saint Alexius and St Boniface, and the stairway - suspended above an altar - under which he had lived for 17 years is placed there as a relic.

St Alexius is the patron saint of Alexians (a religious apostolate), beggars, belt makers, nurses, pilgrims, and travelers. July 17th is observed as his feast day.

Other Saints of the Day
Saint Charbel
Saint Frances de Croissy
Saint Hedwig of Poland
Saint Marie Claude Brard
Saint Theodota

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