Honduras Eucharistic miracle recieves official recognition after a year

Honduras Eucharistic miracle recieves official recognition after a year

In the small town of San Juan Intibucá, Honduras, the first bishop of the Diocese of Gracias, Walter Guillén Soto, officially recognized a new Eucharistic miracle that occurred a year ago.

The miracle involved a blood stain on a corporal (sacred linen cloth) found in the chapel of the El Espinal community during the Liturgy of the Word. The event took place on June 9, 2022, and was witnessed by José Elmer Benítez Machado, an extraordinary minister of Holy Communion. The stain resembled human blood and left the faithful in awe.

Father Marvin Sotelo and Father Oscar Rodriguez, both Missionaries of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, verified the incident and took custody of the corporal for further examination.

Bishop Guillen initiated scientific tests on the blood-like stain to assess its authenticity. The tests confirmed that the blood was human and belonged to a rare blood type, making the event even more remarkable.

The investigation ruled out artificial creation of the stains and found no signs of deterioration or fungus despite exposure to air and humidity.

Bishop Guillen viewed the eucharistic miracle as a powerful spiritual sign, representing God's manifestation in extreme circumstances. The event holds great significance for the humble and remote community of El Espinal and has drawn parallels with other renowned Eucharistic miracles, such as those of Lanciano and the Shroud of Turin in Italy.

The miracle has brought profound spiritual implications for the local community and emphasized the significance of faith among the laity in the workings of the Church. The investigation continues, and the world awaits the final revelations of this extraordinary event.

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