'Focus on Internal matters': India's Response to Pakistan's Kashmir Issue Raised at UN

'Focus on Internal matters': India's Response to Pakistan's Kashmir Issue Raised at UN

New Delhi has directed Pakistan to concentrate its efforts on addressing domestic concerns instead of continually bringing up the Kashmir matter and making baseless accusations against India. R. Madhu Sudan, a Counsellor in India's UN Mission, urged the concerned delegation to prioritize handling their internal affairs and restoring stability within their borders. He made this statement during the UN Security Council's Open Debate on Famine and Conflict-Induced Global Food Insecurity, responding to a Pakistani representative who had raised the issue of Kashmir.

Madhu Sudan expressed disappointment in the misuse of the forum to divert attention from crucial topics such as food security. He further noted that one delegation consistently exploits various United Nations platforms to promote its own agenda. Stressing India's unwavering commitment to sovereignty and territorial integrity, he indicated that engaging in debates with those who resort to terrorism to further unlawful objectives would be unnecessary.

Madhu Sudan advised Pakistan to focus on addressing internal issues and restoring stability within its borders, rather than making groundless allegations against India. The strained relationship between India and Pakistan stems from several issues, including Pakistan's continuous support for cross-border terrorism and the Kashmir dispute.

India firmly asserts that Jammu and Kashmir has always been and will remain an integral part of the country. Bilateral relations between Islamabad and New Delhi have been tense since August 2019, following India's decision to alter the special status of Jammu and Kashmir.

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