St. Hippolytus

St. Hippolytus

Hippolytus was a revered theologian and priest in the early third century. However, he turned against the Church in 217 when Callistus was elected Pope. In 235, he was banished to the Sardinian mines, where he ran into Pontian. Before his passing, Pontian assisted Hippolytus in making amends with the Church. Hippolytus was killed in Sardinia, where he had been banished after becoming the first antipope in church history. Hence, dying a martyr's death. His works, such as A Refutation of All Heresies, Song of Songs, and The Apostolic Tradition, were significant.

August 13 is designated as His Feast Day. He is revered as the patron saint of Bibbiena, Italy, horses, prison guards, prison officers, and prison workers.

Other Saints of the Day
Saint Francis of Pesaro
Saint Cassian of Imola
Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk
Saint Ludoiph
Saint Radegunde

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