St. Bernard of Clairvaux

St. Bernard of Clairvaux

In the French region of Burgundy, close to Dijon, in the castle of Fontaines, Saint Bernard was born to an aristocratic family. He was raised by his religious parents and sent at a young age to a college in Chatillon, where he stood out for his extraordinary piety and memory spirit. He started his theological and biblical studies there as well.

Fearing the traps and temptations of the world after the passing of his mother, he decided to join the Cistercian Order, a very rigorous order that had just been founded and of which he was destined to be the most beautiful adornment. He also convinced a few of his companions and his brothers to follow his example.

St. Bernard submitted himself to Citeaux's holy abbot, St. Stephen, in 1113 along with thirty young nobility. Following a fervent novitiate, he became a priest the following year. Shortly after observing the significant spiritual growth he had experienced, his superiors assigned him together with 12 other monks to create a new monastery. This monastery later became known as the renowned Abbey of Clairvaux.

Immediately after being named abbot, St. Bernard started the active life that has made him the most notable figure in the history of the 12th century. He established countless more monasteries, wrote numerous writings, and traveled extensively for the glory of God. He was offered a number of Bishoprics, but he turned them all down.

St. Bernard's fame was so widespread that even the Popes followed his guidance. Pope Eugene III appointed him to deliver the second Crusade sermon. He traveled through France and Germany in obedience to the Sovereign Pontiff, igniting the greatest excitement for the holy war among the general populace. The saint faced a great storm over the expedition's failure, which he blamed on the Crusaders' transgressions.

St. Bernard possessed a remarkable capacity for miraculous working. He was renowned for his devotion to Mary, particularly for using and spreading the "Memorare" prayer.

He died on August 20, 1153, and was canonized less than three decades later, in 1174. His feast day is celebrated on August 20.

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