President Cyril Ramaphosa voices South Africa's support for expanding BRICS Membership

President Cyril Ramaphosa voices South Africa's support for expanding BRICS Membership

Johannesburg - In a nationally broadcast address on Sunday evening, President Cyril Ramaphosa affirmed South Africa's endorsement of augmenting the membership of the BRICS bloc. The matter of 22 countries seeking entry into BRICS will be deliberated by the leaders of the five BRICS nations during the 15th BRICS Summit convened in Johannesburg this week.

Ramaphosa emphasized, "South Africa supports the expansion of BRICS membership. BRICS' significance transcends its existing members' interests. To enhance its effectiveness, BRICS must foster partnerships with other nations that share its aspirations and viewpoints." BRICS comprises Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa.

An extended BRICS alliance would encompass a diverse array of nations with varying political systems, united by the aspiration for a more equitable global order, according to Ramaphosa. He welcomed the participation of numerous leaders from Africa, the Caribbean, South America, the Middle East, West Asia, South Asia, and South-East Asia at the Summit.a underlined the Summit's significance, given the world's confrontations with foundational challenges that will influence global events for years to come. He noted the escalating complexity and division in a world polarized into competing factions. Ramaphosa asserted the importance of maintaining an open and rules-based global governance system that champions the interests of all people, eschewing unilateralism and power politics.

South Africa's foreign policy, post-apartheid, positions the nation as a dependable and influential partner both in Africa and globally. Ramaphosa highlighted that South Africa remains committed to non-alignment and collaboration with all nations to foster global peace and development. These principles guide South Africa's participation in BRICS.

The President underscored BRICS' influence on the global stage, stating, "BRICS wields considerable influence owing to its economic might, market potential, political clout, and developmental cooperation. However, BRICS' value extends beyond its size. Collectively, BRICS nations can shape global dynamics and collaboratively drive significant shifts in the global economy and international relations."

The cooperative efforts of BRICS members have been directed toward advocating a fairer, more balanced world governed by an inclusive global governance system. Ramaphosa emphasized that BRICS membership has yielded positive prospects not only for South Africa but for the entire African continent.

He emphasized South Africa's commitment to championing Africa's interests within BRICS, aiming to cultivate a partnership between BRICS and Africa that fosters enhanced trade, investment, and infrastructure development. Ramaphosa also highlighted the opportunity for BRICS countries to engage in the African Continental Free Trade Area by establishing production and services centers across various African nations, including their own, through collaboration with local enterprises and entrepreneurs.

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