Wagner Mercenary Leader Prigozhin Reportedly Dies in Moscow Plane Crash

Wagner Mercenary Leader Prigozhin Reportedly Dies in Moscow Plane Crash

MOSCOW- The Russian authorities have reported that a private jet crashed north of Moscow on Wednesday evening, with no survivors. Yevgeny Prigozhin, the leader of a Russian mercenary group, was listed as a passenger on the plane, although there is no confirmation that he was physically on board.

Russia's aviation agency, Rosaviatsia, has initiated an investigation into the crash based on the passenger list, which includes the name Yevgeny Prigozhin, as reported by the state TASS news agency.

Russian emergency situations ministry has issued a statement regarding the private Embraer Legacy aircraft crash. The incident occurred during a flight from Moscow to St. Petersburg, resulting in a tragic crash near the village of Kuzhenkino in the Tver Region. The aircraft was carrying a total of 10 individuals, including three crew members. Regrettably, preliminary reports indicate that everyone on board has lost their lives in this tragic accident.

It is noteworthy that Yevgeny Prigozhin, aged 62, had previously led a mutiny against Russia's top military leadership on June 23-24. President Vladimir Putin had expressed concerns that this mutiny could have escalated into civil unrest. Eventually, negotiations and an apparent agreement with the Kremlin led Prigozhin to relocate to neighboring Belarus. However, despite this agreement, Prigozhin seemed to have continued moving freely within Russia.

In a recent development, Prigozhin posted a video address, suggesting that it was filmed in Africa. This context adds to the ongoing narrative surrounding Yevgeny Prigozhin and the aircraft crash incident in the Tver Region.

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