UK laments Russia's "reckless use of veto" of UNSC resolution on Malli sanctions

UK laments Russia's

Newyork - During a recent United Nations Security Council (UNSC) meeting focused on Mali, the United Kingdom voiced its profound disappointment regarding Russia's "reckless utilization" of a veto to block the extension of UN sanctions against Mali.

James Kariuki, the UK's Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN, expressed concerns about Russia's move to dissolve the Panel of Experts on Mali and its attempts to predetermine the end of sanctions measures. The resolution for sanctions renewal, put forth by France and the UAE, was vetoed by Russia, while China abstained from voting.

Kariuki thanked France and the UAE for their dedication to the resolution's progress. He emphasized that despite challenging compromises, the UK voted in favor of the resolution due to its strong backing for Mali's sanctions regime and the Panel of Experts' mandate, which are considered crucial tools for fostering peace and stability in Mali.

The UK deeply regretted Russia's veto, highlighting that it would curtail the Council's involvement in Mali's peace process during a pivotal phase. Kariuki emphasized the UK's ongoing concern about Mali's deteriorating political, humanitarian, and security situation, reaffirming the UK's commitment to Mali's Peace Agreement and the pursuit of accountability for human rights violations.

The existing sanction regime, active since 2017, was intended to be extended until August 31, 2024. Russia argued for this extension to be the final one, contending that the proposed resolution by France and the UAE would not be conducive to the efficiency of the sanctions regime or Mali's peace process. The current sanctions target individuals and entities involved in activities that threaten Mali's peace, security, or stability. Those listed face travel bans, asset freezes, and restrictions on economic resources.

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