Skydiving At 104, US Woman Aims for Record as World’s Oldest Skydiver

Skydiving At 104, US Woman Aims for Record as World’s Oldest Skydiver

A remarkable Chicago resident, 104-year-old Dorothy Hoffner, is aiming to secure the title of the world's oldest skydiver, surpassing the current record holder. Hoffner, brimming with enthusiasm, recently completed a tandem skydive in northern Illinois, leaving her walker on the ground before taking the exhilarating plunge.

In May 2022, the Guinness World Record for the oldest skydiver was established by 103-year-old Linnéa Ingegärd Larsson from Sweden. Nevertheless, Skydive Chicago is now diligently working to have Dorothy Hoffner's daring jump officially recognized as a new record.

Hoffner's skydiving journey commenced when she turned 100, and on this particular Sunday, she decided to embark on her adventure without the aid of her walker. With the assistance of others, she made her way up the steps of the Skyvan plane, where fellow thrill-seekers awaited their turn.

As she finally settled into her seat inside the plane, Hoffner enthusiastically exclaimed, "Let's go, let's go, Geronimo!"

The entire dive experience, including the gradual descent under the parachute, spanned seven minutes. During the landing, the wind tousled Hoffner's white hair as she clung to her harness. With grace, she touched down softly on the grassy landing area, where friends rushed to congratulate her, and her red walker was brought over.

When asked about her feelings upon returning to solid ground, Hoffner replied, "Wonderful. But it was wonderful up there. The whole thing was delightful, wonderful, couldn't have been better."

Looking ahead, this spirited centenarian, who will celebrate her 105th birthday in December, is already contemplating her next challenge. She expressed interest in taking a ride in a hot-air balloon, a thrilling adventure she has yet to experience.

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