Custos of the Holy Land Fears Extinction of Gaza's Christian Population

Custos of the Holy Land Fears Extinction of Gaza's Christian Population

In a recent interview with L'Osservatore Romano, Fr. Francesco Patton, OFM, the Custos of the Holy Land, voiced his apprehension about the dire situation in the Holy Land, particularly in the Gaza Strip, following the outbreak of war.

Fr. Patton expressed his fears that the Christian community in Gaza, already a very small one, may face extinction due to the ongoing conflict.

Fr. Patton stated, "I fear that because of the war, the risk is that the Christian community in Gaza will disappear. I hope not. But it is very dangerous for the Christians to remain in Gaza since now the information that we have are that the Christians are safe in this moment, but we don't know the evolution during the next days."

The escalating violence, driven by Hamas in Gaza, has prompted global concern. Fr. Patton described the surreal situation in Jerusalem, where streets are nearly deserted, resembling the early days of the pandemic. He emphasized that information about the crisis largely comes from online sources since the Custody of the Holy Land has limited presence outside Jaffa and Ramle.

On October 7, an attack by Hamas led to an official declaration of war by Israel. This unprecedented land-sea-air military operation by the Palestinian Islamist organization is considered the deadliest terrorist attack on Israel in modern history, resulting in the reported death of approximately 900 Israelis, including many civilians, and the taking of around 100 hostages.

Fr. Patton lamented the state of war in the region, highlighting that not all cities are currently safe. He also expressed concern for the Christian population in the Holy Land, particularly in Gaza, where the Christian community is exceedingly small. He emphasized the peaceful nature of this community and the risk they face as potential victims of the conflict. Some members of Christian communities have already left the country due to the hostilities.

Fr. Patton concluded by saying, "Particularly in Gaza, where the Christian community is a very small community, I fear that because of the war, the risk is that the Christian community in Gaza will disappear. I hope not. But it is very dangerous for the Christians to remain in Gaza, since now the information that we have are that the Christians are safe in this moment, but we don't know the evolution during the next days." The situation remains critical in the Holy Land as concerns grow for the safety and future of its Christian population.

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