Iranian Teen in Coma After Metro Incident Now Declared Brain Dead

Iranian Teen in Coma After Metro Incident Now Declared Brain Dead

A 16-year-old Iranian girl, Armita Geravand, who fell into a coma after an alleged incident on the Tehran metro, is now reported to be in a "brain dead" state, according to state media.

Armita's collapse on October 1st sparked controversy, with activists claiming that morality police assaulted her for not wearing a hijab, while authorities asserted that she fainted.

She is currently receiving medical care under strict security at Tehran's Fajr hospital, with no immediate confirmation of her condition from her parents or activists.

This case has drawn comparisons to that of Mahsa Amini, a young woman who died in custody in September 2022 after being detained for allegedly wearing her hijab "improperly." Her death led to widespread anti-government protests in Iran.

CCTV footage shows Armita boarding the train with her hair uncovered and later being carried out unconscious by others. Human rights groups allege she was physically attacked for non-compliance with the compulsory hijab rule, while metro authorities deny any conflict.

Unfortunately, Armita's health has deteriorated, and she is now considered brain dead, despite efforts by medical staff. In a separate development, two female journalists who reported on Mahsa Amini's death have been sentenced to lengthy prison terms on charges of collaborating with a hostile government and colluding against national security.

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