St. Gaudentius of Brescia

St. Gaudentius of Brescia

From 387 AD until 410 AD, St. Gaudentius of Brescia, also referred to as Gaudenty, served as the Bishop of Brescia. He was born in Brescia, Lombardy, Italy in the fourth century and passed away there around 410.

St. Philastrius, the Bishop of Brescia in Italy, was Gaudentius' teacher as well as a father figure for him. Gaudentius was well respected everywhere he went since he led a devout life and had outstanding oratory skills when he preached in Italy and the East.

When Philastrius died around the close of the fourth century AD, the people of Brescia elected Gaudentius as bishop. He was on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem at the time, so he hesitantly agreed to the position when he got back.

In the year 387 AD, Gaudentius was consecrated by Saint Ambrose of Milan. Ten of Gaudentius's twenty-one sermons have survived, providing strong evidence that he was a potent orator. He has penned numerous pastoral letters during his time as a bishop. He led his flock in constant imitation of the Divine Master by using wisdom and humility in the governance of his See.

In 405 AD, he departed Brescia to join a delegation that Pope Innocent I sent to Eastern Emperor Arcadius in Constantinople to defend St. John Chrysostom from charges of heresy leveled against him by a heretic. Chrysostom's enemies forbade the delegation from entering Constantinople, and they never properly pleaded for John. They had to return to Italy against their will, and while they were traveling back, their ship sank in Lampsacus, Greece. Despite this, they made it back to Italy without incident. However, even though they had failed in their objective, St. John Chrysostom still wrote St. Gaudentius a letter of appreciation.

St. Gaudentius passed away around 410 due to unknown causes. Rufinus referred to this pious man as “the glory of the Doctors of the age in which he lives”. The Catholic Church observes his feast day on October 25 every year.

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