St. Alfred the Great

St. Alfred the Great

St. Alfred the Great was a well-known Christian king who ruled Wessex. The fifth son of the English King of Wessex, Alfred was born in 849. According to legend, he was taken to Rome in 853, when he was just four years old, to be crowned king by Pope Leo IV. Following his father and elder brothers' deaths in succession, Alfred ascended to the kingdom in 871 A.D.

He was a brilliant scholar who translated works of literature for his community. At an early age, it appeared that he would work for the Church. But unfortunately, he was made king and had to fight the Danes, who were then a threat to England, for most of his reign.

Alfred died in 899 due to unknown causes. He became well-known in England by his patronage of the arts, literature, and most importantly, the Church. His feast day is celebrated by the Catholic Church on October 25 every year.

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