Partial Resumption of Visa Services in India Amid Diplomatic Tensions with Canada

Partial Resumption of Visa Services in India Amid Diplomatic Tensions with Canada

Ottawa - The Indian High Commission in Ottawa has officially declared the reinstatement of visa services for entry, business, medical, and conference visa categories in Canada, marking the end of a suspension that lasted for nearly a month.

This decision follows a comprehensive security assessment and is a direct response to recent measures taken by the Canadian government.

In September, the Indian government "indefinitely suspended" its visa services in Canada as a response to comments made by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. He had implied the possible involvement of "agents of the Indian government" in the assassination of a Khalistani separatist. India vehemently refuted these allegations, deeming them "groundless and politically motivated." In response, India expelled a Canadian diplomat.

Last week, Canada withdrew 41 diplomats from India, citing New Delhi's concerns over diplomatic parity. Additionally, Canada ceased its visa and consular services in its consulates in Chandigarh, Mumbai, and Bengaluru.

India's Stance Amid the Canada-India Diplomatic Dispute

S. Jaishankar, India's Minister of External Affairs, expressed that the India-Canada relationship has encountered challenges, particularly involving a specific segment of Canadian politics and their associated policies. He underscored that the safety and security of diplomats are of utmost importance, which led to the temporary suspension of visa services in Canada.

The Indian High Commission in Ottawa has confirmed that visa services for the mentioned categories will resume starting on October 26, 2023. Emergency cases will continue to be handled by the High Commission and the Consulates General.

India has raised concerns about Canada being viewed as a "safe haven" for terrorists and has emphasized the necessity of addressing the broader issue of terrorism, including its financing and external support, with a particular focus on India's western neighbor, Pakistan.

The situation remains under close scrutiny, and India anticipates improvements in the safety and security of its diplomats, as well as overall diplomatic relations with Canada. Future decisions will be guided by the evolving circumstances surrounding this matter.

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