Australian Prime Minister Albanese Vows to Foster Cooperative Relations with China

Australian Prime Minister Albanese Vows to Foster Cooperative Relations with China

Beijing - Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, during his state visit to China and at the China International Import Expo's opening in Shanghai, made a commitment to collaborate positively with China, marking a significant step toward improving bilateral relations.

Albanese emphasized the importance of constructive economic engagement in nurturing relationships between nations, affirming his government's dedication to fostering a constructive partnership with China. He delivered this message in a speech, signaling his administration's intention to build a more cooperative relationship with China.

The Prime Minister's visit to China, spanning four days with stops in Shanghai and Beijing, signifies a significant diplomatic milestone, being the first visit by an Australian leader in seven years. The visit comes as both countries work to mend strained relations resulting from a previous diplomatic dispute that disrupted extensive trade agreements worth billions of dollars.

Albanese's government is aiming for a more harmonious relationship with China while also maintaining a cautious approach to Beijing's expanding influence in the Pacific region.

China's foreign ministry has announced that Albanese will engage in discussions with Chinese leaders, addressing bilateral matters and exploring shared concerns on international and regional issues in depth.

The ministry's spokesperson, Wang Wenbin, underscored the significance of a robust and stable China-Australia relationship, emphasizing its alignment with the core interests of both countries and their peoples.

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