Photographer Captures Dazzling Moment at Durdle Door After Four-Year Quest

Photographer Captures Dazzling Moment at Durdle Door After Four-Year Quest

Image-BBC/Jack Lodge

Photographer Jack Lodge achieved a milestone after four years of persistent efforts, capturing the breathtaking moment when the sun pierced through the iconic Durdle Door arches. This elusive event, known as a sunstar during sunrise, is a coveted shot among photographers and can only be seized over a few weeks in the winter.

Lodge described the process as requiring "endless attempts," emphasizing the allure of landscape photography, where each outing presents a unique experience. Recently, the Dorset-based photographer visited Durdle Door in pursuit of the perfect sunrise.

Despite initially facing dark grey skies and minimal hope, Lodge's dedication paid off. Approximately 15 minutes after sunrise, the sunlight broke through, creating a mesmerizing spectacle as it illuminated the untouched beach and cast a radiant glow on the sea spray bursting through the archway.

Reflecting on the experience, Lodge expressed the rarity of such moments, stating, "You don't get many like this – well, in fact, I've been trying for years." The photographer highlighted the dynamic and ever-changing nature of landscape photography, emphasizing the continuous allure that keeps drawing him back for more.

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