US Warns Israel Against Unplanned Offensive in Gaza's Rafah

US Warns Israel Against Unplanned Offensive in Gaza's Rafah

The United States has issued a stern warning to Israel, cautioning against any hasty military operation in the southern city of Rafah in Gaza. The White House emphasized the need for thorough planning, highlighting concerns over the welfare of refugees in the area.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's recent announcement regarding preparations for potential action in Rafah prompted the US intervention. Washington stressed the necessity for Israel to prioritize civilian safety in any military endeavors.

With over half of Gaza's population residing in Rafah, fears of a humanitarian crisis loom large. Reports of Israeli airstrikes and tank fire in the region have amplified anxieties among residents already grappling with dire living conditions.

US President Joe Biden criticized the intensity of Israel's actions in Gaza, emphasizing the need for restraint. This rare rebuke from a key ally underscores growing international scrutiny over Israel's military tactics.

The Biden administration's stance reflects concerns over civilian casualties and humanitarian repercussions, urging Israel to exercise caution in its operations. Amid escalating tensions, the global community awaits Israel's response to the US warning as the situation in Gaza remains precarious.

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