Saint Rita of Cascia

Saint Rita of Cascia

St. Rita of Cascia, dubbed “an expert in suffering” and “a disciple of the Crucified One” by the late John Paul II, celebrates her feast day on May 22.

St. Rita, sometimes referred to as "La Santa de los impossibiles" in Spain, has grown incredibly well-liked over the ages. Because she accepted suffering with charity and wrongs with forgiveness during the numerous difficulties she faced in life—as a wife, widow, mother surviving the death of her children, and nun—she is summoned by individuals in all circumstances and stages of life.

St. Rita was born in Roccaparena, Umbria, in 1386. She married an aggressive and irritable man at the age of twelve. He was slain 18 years later, and she forgave his assassins, hoping that her twin sons, who had vowed to avenge their father's death, would also forgive. This favor was bestowed upon her, and her young sons passed away in peace with God.

The saint was initially sent away from the Augustinian monastery at Cascia after hearing the call to become a nun there. After interceding with Sts. Augustine, Mary Magdalene, and John the Baptist for help, she was eventually permitted to enter the convent where she spent the final 40 years of her life in mortification, prayer, and service to the Cascian people.

In response to her prayers for a deeper and more profound conformity to the passion of the Lord Jesus, she was given a thorn wound resembling a stigmata for the final fifteen years of her life. For the latter four years of her life, Rita remained confined to her bed and only took in the Eucharist. On May 22, 1456, at the age of 70, she passed away from TB.

Pope Leo XIII canonized St. Rita in 1900. She is revered as the patron saint of impossible causes, sterility, abuse victims, loneliness, marriage difficulties, parenthood, widows, the sick, bodily ills and wounds.

Other Saints of the Day
Saint Bobo
Saint Faustinus
Saint Marcian of Ravenna
Saint Romanus of Subiaco
Saint John Baptist Machado

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