Saints Donatian and Rogatian

Saints Donatian and Rogatian

In the third century, two brothers named Donatian and Rogatian were crucified for their religious beliefs.

The first to embrace Christianity was Donatian, who after being baptized became a passionate witness to the gospel. It was reported that his witness was so motivating that his brother Rogatian, who had initially been unconverted, was motivated by his example to change his mind.

But at this time, Diocletian was being severely persecuted.

Before the bishop could baptize Rogatian, the two brothers were taken into custody. The brothers prayed together through the night in jail. They were tortured on the rack the following day and then executed for not wanting to deny their faith. Rogatian's baptism was therefore a baptism of desire—that is, via the blood of martyrdom.

Over the tomb where they were interred together in the fifth century, a church was constructed. The bishop moved their relics to the Ostia Cathedral in 1145.

Other Saints of the Day
Saint Meletius
Saint Nicetas of Pereaslav
Saint John del Prado
Saint Vincent of Porto
Saint David I of Scotland

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