Italian Professor Warns of Satanic Influence in Rock Music, Urges Vigilance

Italian Professor Warns of Satanic Influence in Rock Music, Urges Vigilance

Claudia Caneva, an Italian professor renowned for her research on the impact of artistic expressions on youth behavior, recently delivered a compelling presentation on the topic of "Music and Satanism" at a course titled "Exorcism and Deliverance Prayer" in Rome. The course, jointly sponsored by the Pontifical Athenaeum Regina Apostolorum and the Italian Socioreligious Research and Information Group, highlighted concerning trends linking certain music genres to negative influences among young people.

Speaking with ACI Prensa, CNA’s Spanish-language news partner, Caneva expressed deep concerns about the pervasive influence of rock music and its subgenres, such as heavy metal, death metal, and death rock, on the youth. She described young people as "victims" of a cultural industry created by adults, which she argues promotes harmful ideologies through music.

Caneva, who also teaches at the Pontifical Lateran University and the Salesian University of Rome, has devoted years to studying how artistic products, particularly music, can shape the minds and behaviors of adolescents. She asserted that these genres of music can even lead to physiological changes in young listeners, emphasizing the piercing sound of heavy metal as particularly enveloping and influential.

Sam Smith performs "Unholy" at the 65th annual Grammy Awards on Sunday, Feb. 5, 2023, in Los Angeles. (AP Photo/Chris Pizzello)

While Caneva acknowledged that listening to this music doesn’t inevitably lead to demonic influence, she cautioned that it can evoke certain emotions and behaviors that may be harmful. She pointed out that some music albums include subliminal messages invoking Satan, further complicating the impact on impressionable listeners.

In discussing the broader cultural landscape, Caneva highlighted the phenomenon of "mirror neurons," which suggest that behaviors observed in others can influence an individual's own actions and thoughts. She stressed that music, as a form of performance and entertainment, plays a significant role in shaping societal norms and individual behaviors, particularly among the youth.

The professor referenced cases like that of Davide Canotti from Italy, once associated with a Satanic sect known as "Satan's Children," founded in Bologna in 1982. Canotti's involvement in desecrating cemeteries and his statement to authorities attributing his actions primarily to music consumption underscored the potentially dangerous impact of such music.

Emphasizing on parental responsibility, Caneva said the crucial role parents play in guiding their children's media consumption and fostering critical thinking. She suggested that outright prohibition of certain music genres may not be effective but advocated for open dialogue and raising awareness about potential negative consequences.

Caneva also criticized aspects of the entertainment industry, including video games and television series, for promoting negative emotions and behaviors among young audiences. She argued that these media often portray antiheroes and negative role models, contributing to a cultural landscape that undermines traditional values and promotes insecurity.

The Professor warned against the broader societal impact of industries that seek to exploit youthful vulnerability for profit or ideological influence. She urged vigilance in recognizing and addressing the subtle influences of media and entertainment on youth, emphasizing the need for a balanced approach to media literacy and cultural awareness.

Caneva pointed out at the album covers or posters of this type of musical group, Satanism “is easily identifiable.”

“In television series they propose ‘antiheroes’ as role models. Young people are the future and Satanism is not only found in music, those who engender war or who exploit the poor at work are also Satanic,” she emphasized.

“But remember that Lucifer was the most beautiful of the angels on the throne of ice, and ice means indifference, something that this industry also aims to do, to make young people become cold and indifferent people,” concluded Caneva, underscoring the ongoing debates about the role of media in shaping societal values and behaviors, challenging educators, parents, and policymakers to consider the ethical implications of media consumption among young people in today's digital age.

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