89 Migrants Dead After Boat Capsizes Off Mauritania

89 Migrants Dead After Boat Capsizes Off Mauritania

Mauritanian coastguards have recovered 89 bodies from a capsized migrant boat in the Atlantic Ocean, with nine survivors, including a five-year-old girl. The vessel, a traditional fishing boat, had embarked last week from the Senegalese-Gambian border with 170 people on board and overturned off Mauritania's southwestern coast.

Mauritania is a key transit hub for West African migrants attempting to reach Europe, with thousands of boats departing annually. The most common destination is Spain's Canary Islands, where nearly 40,000 migrants arrived last year, double the previous year's figure.

The journey is perilous, with overcrowded boats frequently leading to tragedy. Over 5,000 migrants died attempting to reach Spain by sea in the first five months of 2024, according to the charity Caminando Fronteras.

In April, the European Union allocated €210 million in aid to Mauritania, with nearly €60 million earmarked for addressing undocumented migration to Europe.

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