Saint Ulric of Augsburg

Saint Ulric of Augsburg

Born in Kyburg, Zurich, Switzerland around 890, St. Ulric was the son of Count Hucbald and Thetbirga. He was descended from the Ottoman dynasty and the dukes of Alamannia. Despite having been ill as a young child, he excelled academically while attending the monastery school of Saint Gall. In addition, he was the chamberlain for his uncle, the Augsburg-based bishop Blessed Adalbero.

On December 28, 923, he was consecrated as the Bishop of Augsburg. As bishop, he constructed churches, travelled from parish to parish, visited patients in hospitals, provided a model for his priests to follow, and brought artifacts back from Rome. His good actions resulted in improved moral and social conditions for both clergy and people.

The Magyars besieged Augsburg after pillaging Germany. Augsburg remained strong until the arrival of Emperor Otto because of Ulric's bravery, his ability to organize the resistance, and his leadership. After a battle near Lechfeld on August 10, 955, the invaders were ultimately routed. Although it is implausible, some stories claim that Ulrich participated in the conflict.

After serving as bishop for 48 years, an ailing and worn-out Ulric gave up his position and gave his nephew control of the diocese. The emperor approved of this decision, but the Synod of Ingelheim declared it to be uncanonical, leading to charges and a trial against the aging bishop for nepotism. On his deathbed, Ulrich received word that he had repented, done penance, and been pardoned.

On July 4, 973, Ulric died at Augsburg due to natural causes. He was laid to rest in Saint Afra's Church.

On February 3, 993, Pope John XV canonized Ulric. He was the first saint to receive a papal canonization, which sparked the official procedure that is still in place today. According to legend, he became a patron of expectant mothers and easy childbirth because pregnant ladies who drank from his chalice had peaceful deliveries. He also healed individuals bitten by rabid dogs with the touch of his pastoral cross.

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