Thulasendhrapuram Celebrates Kamala Harris' Success with Pride and Prayers

Thulasendhrapuram Celebrates Kamala Harris' Success with Pride and Prayers

Thulasendhrapuram, a quaint village about 300 kilometers from Chennai in South India and 14,000 kilometers from Washington DC, is where Kamala Harris’ maternal grandparents came from. The village is currently showcasing a large banner of the 59-year-old Harris, and special prayers are being offered to the local deity for her success. The villagers are also distributing sweets and are closely following the US presidential race, especially after Joe Biden's withdrawal and Harris' rise as a potential nominee.

Krishnamurthi, a retired bank manager, expressed the community's pride: “It is no small achievement to reach such heights in the most powerful country in the world. We are truly proud of her. Once, Indians were ruled by foreigners, but now we have Indians leading powerful nations.”

The pride extends particularly to women, who see Harris as a symbol of possibility. “Everybody knows her, even the children. They call her ‘my sister’ or ‘my mother’,” said Arulmozhi Sudhakar, a local representative. “We are delighted that she remembers her roots and share in our joy.”

The excitement in Thulasendhrapuram recalls the celebrations when Harris became vice president. Villagers held a communal feast featuring traditional South Indian dishes like sambar and idli, which are among Harris' favorite foods.

Kamala Harris is the daughter of Shyamala Gopalan, a breast cancer researcher from Tamil Nadu who moved to the US in 1958. Gopalan’s parents hailed from Thulasendhrapuram. In a social media post, Harris reflected on her mother’s impact: “My mother, Shyamala, came to the US alone at 19. She was a force—scientist, civil rights activist, and a mother who instilled pride in her daughters.”

Harris had previously visited Chennai with her sister Maya to immerse their mother's ashes in the sea, adhering to Hindu customs. Her family includes high achievers: her maternal uncle Gopalan Balachandran is an academic, and her grandfather PV Gopalan was a distinguished Indian bureaucrat and advisor to Zambia’s first president in the 1960s.

R Rajaraman, an emeritus professor of theoretical physics at Jawaharlal Nehru University and a former classmate of Shyamala Gopalan, remarked, “Kamala’s prominence was anticipated. She always had the potential, much like her mother did.”

In Thulasendhrapuram, anticipation is growing for the announcement of Harris’ candidacy. Natarajan, the temple priest, noted, “Kamala’s chithi (mother’s younger sister) Sarala regularly visits this temple and donated 5,000 rupees on Kamala Harris’ behalf in 2014.” Natarajan is hopeful that their prayers will support Harris in the election.

Although thousands of miles separate the village from the US, the villagers feel a deep connection to Harris' journey and hope she might visit them or mention their village in her speeches.

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