Saint Anthony Mary Claret

Saint Anthony Mary Claret

Like his father, Anthony Mary Claret was born in Spain in 1807 and worked as a weaver. He studied Latin in his free time, enrolled in a seminary at 22, and was ordained in 1835. After ten years of serving in the missions and preaching, he established the Claretians in 1849. He was appointed Archbishop of Santiago, Cuba, shortly after. He was successful in reforming both the clergy and the laity throughout his tenure as archbishop. He went back to Spain to supervise his congregation, produce a few publications, and as a confessor for Queen Isabella II.

Both the queen and Archbishop Claret were banished in 1868 as a result of the Spanish Revolution. Following Vatican I, the archbishop took sanctuary in a French Cistercian monastery, where he passed away in 1870. In 1950, he was canonized. St. Anthony is revered as the patron of textile merchants and weavers.

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