In the third century, St. Abraham Kidunaia was born into a prosperous household. After earning an outstanding education, Abraham was encouraged to marry. Despite his parents' desires, he told his bride after the wedding that he wanted to stay a virgin and devote his life to God. After his bride agreed to this decision, Abraham withdrew to a hermitage close to the Mesopotamian city of Edessa.
Ten years after he withdrew from the world, Abraham's parents passed away and left him a sizable fortune. As soon as he realized this, he requested a friend donate the money to worthy charities. Thanks to deeds like these and his intense prayer practice, Abraham had a reputation as a pious man in the area, and many people sought his advice.
The bishop even heard of his fame. After Edessa was poisoned by idolatry and wickedness, Abraham was summoned to preach reform in the city and consecrated. Despite his deep distress, Abraham complied with the bishop's instructions.
When Abraham arrived in Edessa, none of the people would listen to him. However, with persistent prayer, Abraham eventually won them over. After the conversions, Abraham returned to his hermitage to continue his life of solitary prayer.
After serving God faithfully for a lifetime, Abraham passed away about the year 360.
Other Saints of the Day
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