Changanassery: Cardinal Mar George Koovakkad received a warm and heartfelt welcome at the Mar Kavukattu Hall of the esteemed SB College in Changanassery. Upon his arrival, Archbishop Mar Thomas greeted the Cardinal with a shawl, honoring him on the SB College campus. The conference was officially inaugurated by Archbishop of Hyderabad, Cardinal Anthony Poola.
In his address, Cardinal Anthony Poola highlighted that Cardinal Mar George Koovakkad’s true distinction lies in his unwavering dedication to the Church, his deep compassion for the poor, and his life of selfless sacrifice. He emphasized that the recognition bestowed upon Mar George Koovakkad by Pope Francis is both a gift and a significant acknowledgment for the Indian Church.
The event was presided over by Cardinal Mar George Alencherry, who expressed that the cardinalship awarded to Mar George Koovakkad was a divine mission, calling him to serve all people in unity. Archbishop Mar Thomas once again warmly welcomed the new cardinal and presented him with a gift from the Archdiocese of Changanassery. In response, Cardinal Mar George Koovakkad delivered an eloquent speech.

Archbishop Mar Joseph Perunthottam concluded the ceremony with a benediction speech. Other notable figures who spoke at the event included Former Apostolic Nuncio Archbishop Mar George Koovakkad, Pathanamthitta Bishop Samuel Mar Irenaeus, Minister Roshi Augustine, Shashi Tharoor MP, Sivagiri Sree Narayana Dharma Sangham President Swami Sachidananda, Palayam Imam Dr. V.P. Suhaib Moulavi, Kodikunnil Suresh MP, Job Michael MLA, and Archdiocesan Pastoral Council Secretary Dr. Rekha Mathews.