Saint Julian the Hospitaler

Saint Julian the Hospitaler

St. Julian the Hospitaller, also known as "the Poor Man," was born into a rich, noble lineage in the early 4th century and is widely venerated in Western Europe.

As per legend, when Julian was an infant, he was doomed to take the lives of his parents eventually. His father desired him dead, yet his mother preserved his life. Once he reached an age to understand the curse, he departed from his family to ensure their safety.

As he was out hunting, his parents paid an unexpected visit to his castle. His spouse provided them with one of the finest rooms. He had a vision from the devil showing that his wife was in bed with another man, leading him to return home to kill whoever was there. Upon Julian's return from his hunt, he noticed the two figures in bed and presumed it was his wife with another man. In a fit of jealousy, Julian murdered his mom and dad.

Upon discovering the truth, Julian was so appalled that he vowed to dedicate the rest of his life to charitable deeds. He and his spouse then embarked on a pilgrimage to a faraway land where he founded a hospital.

The hospital was located close to a river often traversed by individuals motivated to journey due to the Holy Crusades. Many people usually drowned while attempting to cross this river, so Julian assumed the duty of transporting travelers and caring for the ill.

One evening, the devil defaced his home, and attributing it to those he assisted, Julian declared he would never provide shelter for anyone again. God appeared at his doorstep, seeking assistance, and he turned Him away. Upon identifying him, he withdrew his comment and chose to assist everyone in need once more.

One night, robbers entered their hospital and murdered Julian and his wife in the same manner Julian had murdered his mother and father.

St. Julian is regarded as the patron saint of ferrymen, innkeepers, and circus artists.

Other Saints of the Day
St. Damian
St. Ethelwald
St. John of Nicomedia
St. Meletius of Antioch
St. Buonfiglio Monaldo

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