Saint Pelagia

St. Pelagia was head of a dance troupe in Palestinian Antioch, and lived a life of frivolity and prostitution. One day while she was still a dancer, Pelagia was passing by a church dressed with her...

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Saint Zitta of Luca

Born into poverty during the early 1200s, Zita was taught by her mother from an early age to seek God's will in all circumstances. She had already developed a strong prayer life by the time she was...

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Our Lady of Good Counsel
Saint Mark the Evangelist
Saint Pope Caius I
Saint Emma of Lesum

Saint Athanasia of Aegina

Athanasia, the daughter of Nikita and Marina, was born into a noble, yet religious family in the 8th century on the Island of Aegina, Greece. She was drawn to religious life from a young age; tradi...

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