Saint Cecilia

St. Cecilia's family was one of the principle families of Rome. According to the cultural custom of the time, Cecilia's family betrothed her to a pagan nobleman named Valerian despite St. Cecelia's...

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Saint Josaphat

John Kuntsevych, who was born in 1580 in the Volhynian region of western Ukraine, did not become "Josaphat" until he became a monk. Additionally, because he was born to Orthodox Christian parents w...

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Saint Martin of Tours
Saint Charles Borromeo
All Souls Day
All Saints Day
Saint Wolfgang, Bishop
Saint Alonso Rodriguez

Saint Abraham Kidunaia

In the third century, St. Abraham Kidunaia was born into a prosperous household. After earning an outstanding education, Abraham was encouraged to marry. Despite his parents' desires, he told his b...

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