St. Elizabeth of Portugal

On July 4, the Catholic Church honors St. Elizabeth of Portugal, a monarch who protected the underprivileged and prevented violence in her nation throughout the 13th and 14th centuries. ...

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Saint Cyril of Alexandria

An Egyptian bishop and theologian, he is best known for his role in the Council of Ephesus, where the Church confirmed that Christ is both God and man in one person.  Cyril was most likely bor...

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Saint William of Vercelli
Saint John the Baptist
St. Joseph Cafasso
St. Aloysius Gonzaga
Saint Vincent Kaun
St. Deodatus of Nevers
Saint Gregory Barbarigo

Saint Teresa of Portugal

Saint Teresa was the daughter of the king of Portugal. She married her cousin and they lived happily, with the blessing of many children. After several years, their marriage was proclaimed invalid ...

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