Saint of the Day

Saint Cuthbert: Saint of the Day, March 20

Cuthbert was born in AD 634 somewhere in the British Isles, probably in the neighbourhood of Melrose. As a boy he used to tend sheep on the mountain-sides near the monastery of Melrose. He was orph...

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Saint Louise de Marillac: Saint of the Day, March 15

Louise was born on 12th August, 1591, at Meux, France. She lost her mother when she was still a child and her father, when she was 15. She wanted to become a nun, but her confessor discouraged that...

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Saint Colette de Corbie, Patroness of Expectant mothers : Saint of the Day, March 6

In the little town of Corbie, France, St Colette was born on January 12, 1381, of exemplary working people. She was a child of grace, an answer to her mother's incessant prayers, for the latter was...

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