Saint Philip Neri

Saint Philip Neri

Saint Philip Neri was a Christian missionary and founder of the Congregation of the Oratory, a community of Catholic priests and lay brothers. He was born in Florence, Italy, on July 21, 1515 as one of the four children to Francesco Neri.

When he was 18-years-old, Philip went off to live with a wealthy family member in San Germano. He was sent there to assist in the family business. However, soon after his arrival, Philip experienced a mystical vision, which he eventually spoke of as his Christian conversion. This event was an encounter with the Lord and it dramatically changed his life.

Soon, he lost interest in owning the property or participating in business. He felt a call from the Holy Spirit to radically live for and serve the Lord Jesus Christ and His Church. So, Philip set out for Rome. During his first two years in Rome, he spent his time in a solitary life. He also dedicated a lot of time to prayer and ate very small meals of bread, water and a few vegetables, practicing an ascetical life.

In 1535, Philip began studying theology and philosophy at the Sapienza and at St. Augustine's monastery. Although he was considered a "promising scholar," after three years of studies, Philip gave up any thought of ordination.

Philip had a knack for starting up conversations and leading his listeners to consider a new and better way of life, the Christian Way. He easily caught others' attention with his warm personality and an incredible sense of humor.

Losing no time in converting good conversation to good actions, Philip would lead his followers to hospitals to wait on the sick or to the Church, to pray to and encounter Jesus Christ. Philip was an evangelist and he loved to share the Gospel and help people to find or rediscover their faith in Jesus Christ.

His days were dedicated to helping others, but his nights were set aside for solitude. He spent praying in the church or in the catacombs beside the Appian Way during the nights.

At 34-years-old, Philip had already accomplished so much, but his confessor was determined that his work would be more effective as a priest. Finally convinced, Philip was ordained to the diaconate and then to the priesthood on May 23, 1551.

Influenced by St. Francis Xavier, Philip thought of going to India to join the foreign mission field, but was dissuaded by his peers because Rome still needed Philip's ministry and influence.

Philip was respected and loved throughout Rome; he became a trusted advisor to popes, kings, cardinals and equally as important to the poor. He whole-heartedly desired the reformation of the Catholic Church and worked toward that with a sense of gentleness and friendship, rather than criticism and harshness.

He passed away on May 26, 1595, at the age of 80 years, following a hemorrhage. His body lays in the New Church, where the Oratorians still serve.

Saint Philip Neri is the patron saint of Rome, US Special Forces, humor and joy.

Other Saints of the Day
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2. Saint Alphaeus
3. Saint Eletherius
4. Saint John Hoan
5. Saint Mariana de Paredes

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