Saint Maximinus

Saint Maximinus

Saint Maximinus was one of those pastors whom God raised in the most dangerous times to support the church. He was born at Silly near Poitiers on 12 September 346 and was the sixth bishop of Trier.

Maximinus was an opponent of Arianism and was supported by the courts of Constantine II and Constans, who harboured as an honored guest Athanasius twice during his exile from Alexandria, in 336–37 and again in 343. He strongly opposed Arianism in the synod of Sardica, convoked by Pope Julius I in 342. When four Arian bishops came from Antioch to Trier with the purpose of winning Emperor Constans to their side, Maximinus refused to receive them and induced the emperor to reject their proposals.

Saint Maximinus is said to have died in Poitou in 349. He was buried near Poitiers; but his body was afterwards translated to Triers on the day which is now devoted to his memory.

Other Saints of the Day
1. Saint Conon
2. Saint John de Atares
3. Saint William Arnaud
4. Saint Julia Maria Ledochowska
5. Saint Restitutus

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