Saint Andrew the Apostle

Andrew was Saint Peter’s brother, and was called with him. “As [Jesus] was walking by the sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon who is now called Peter, and his brother Andrew, casting a ne...

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Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The Feast of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, celebrated annually on November 21st, commemorates the presentation of the Blessed Virgin as a child by her parents in the Temple in Jerusa...

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Saint Elizabeth
Saint Charles Borromeo
All Souls Day
Saint Narcissus
Saint Jude Thaddeus
Saint Anthony Mary Claret
Saint John Paul ll

Saint Ursula and the Virgins of Cologne

In the fourth century the pagan Saxons began to invade England, intent on destroying the Catholic Faith and violating the purity of all young English virgins. It was in the midst of this that a gro...

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