Saint Cosmas and Damian

Sts. Cosmas and Damian were brothers, born in Arabia, who had become eminent for their skill in the science of medicine. Being Chris...

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Saint Robert Bellarmine

Robert Bellarmine was born on October 4, 1542 in the Tuscan town of Montepulciano. His uncle was a cardinal who later became Pope Marcellus II. As a young man, Robert received his education from th...

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Saint Cornelius
Saint Notburga
Saint Guy of Anderlecht
Saint Peter Claver
Saint Cloud
Saint Mother Teresa
Saint Rosalia

Saint Nonnosus

St. Nonnosus was born in 500, in what is believed to be, Mt. Soratte, near Rome. He had a remarkable life and his works of faith were recorded by Pope St. Gregory I the Great. Nonnosus was a prio...

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