Saint Laura of Cordoba

Saint Laura of Cordoba

Saint Laura of Cordoba was a Mozarabic Christian of Visigothic origin and from a noble family Cordoba, who lived in Muslim Spain during the 9th century. She married an important official of the emirate, with whom she had two daughters. After six years she became a widow and, some time later, she decided to enter the convent of Santa María de Cuteclara.

For nine years she was abbess of the monastery, until under the influence of the cleric Eulogio de Córdoba and following the example of some companions who had already immolated themselves for the Christian faith, she publicly proclaimed her faith, blaspheming against Islam, and this entailed the death penalty. She was arrested and since she did not consent to recant and embrace Islam, the chronicles say that she was first flogged, then submerged in a boiling lead cauldron where she miraculously continued to sing praises to God for three hours, after which she was finally decapitated on October 19, 864.

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